
Swimming Lessons

By the end of last summer, Mauryn was a little fish in the water. She loved swimming lessons and could not wait to go back to Miss June's house this summer.

The first day of lessons arrived, she got her suit on, picked out her towel, and headed towards the car. As we drove she became more hesitant and was pretty adamant that she was not going to take lessons. I thought once we got there she would be fine. Oh boy was I wrong. Mauryn clung to my leg and started crying. She did not want anything to do with the pool.

I placed her on the edge, sat next to her for a minute, and then snuck back to sit in a chair. Once lessons started she was fine and as each day progressed she became a LOUD leader in the class.

Her favorite thing in her first session of lessons was wearing goggles. I can hardly take it with her in those goggles.... cuteness!

The one thing she was determined not to do in her first session was to jump off the diving board. It wasn't because she was scared, she was just being stubborn. Mauryn cheered on all her classmates as they jumped off the board and was thrilled for them. On that last day, I got her to walk with me to the board and out to the end. I looked and her teacher, picked her up, and dropped her in. She didn't cry, she didn't scream, she just looked at me and said I am not doing that again. I know it might seem mean but what I am learning about my spunky little one is that she is anxious and nervous about trying new things and change but with a little prodding she ends up loving whatever the new activity.

By the time we were at the end of the second session of lessons, she was the first one to volunteer to go off the board and asked how many times she could jump off. She LOVED it!
Landon took lessons both sessions as well and he is just part fish. If he could be in the water swimming all day in the summer he would be happy. He likes nothing better than getting his face in and swimming around. His favorite activity at swimming lessons is jumping off the board and trying to get people wet with his big splash.
This year his newest skill was learning to dive. He may have struggled a bit with some of the strokes but the boy can dive!

Summer, we will look forward to your return when we will spend a few more weeks at Miss June's pool splashing, laughing, playing, putting our faces in the water, diving for starburts, jumping off the board, learning to swim, and making great memories.

1 comment:

Simply Sara said...

great action shots!

makes me long for summer... it's getting colder and colder here and before we know it we'll be covered in snow again.