

This picture says it all.

We are exhausted.

Our summer has been a whirlwind of camps, swimming lessons, and activities.

This week we don't have anything extra on the calendar.

I am so excited.  

I am going to finally tackle some of my summer to do list.

I am going to catch up on reading blogs and getting posts up on my blog that are long overdue.

I am going to enjoy non scheduled days with my kids filled with laughter, popsicles, and running through the sprinkler.

I am going to relax and read a book.

I am hoping this week finally feels like the "lazy days of summer"

What to look for:
* the story behind the trip to bass lake (i know i know its been 2 months but i want to finish the post i started)
* our first trip to the drive in
* backyard bonfires
* lance's first triathlon
* sewing projects
* our trip to montana for the 4th of july


Lynn said...

Glad you are enjoying your summer. We had a crazy week last week, but this one looks much less scheduled for us too. Perhaps we can Skype?

joy said...

Oh that picture is priceless! Summer can be VERY busy. When summer started I made a resolution not to plan too much. So far, it's been good. Have a great time of rest and relaxation.

Rachel Slagle said...

love the picture - that is so how i have been feeling lately. we have had a super busy summer too. enjoy your week off!